We have been conducting two simultaneous efforts to identify and compile de-escalation strategies, starting in Fall 2014. We have now gathered a mountain of information and we are actively trying to make sense of it.
Fifty-five professionals from many different fields nominated over 300 strategies in one project led by Jill Spielfogel. We winnowed these down to under 100 and asked for brave volunteers to sort and rate them. Twenty-nine answered the call. Jill is now analyzing these responses with concept mapping software. Thanks to everyone who helped. Stay tuned.
Meanwhile, efforts led by Curtis McMillen to cull and compile de-escalation strategies from the peer reviewed literature have also yielded a bumper crop. We reviewed over 200 articles from across several fields of practice and identified 1044 strategies from them. Jill and Sav are seen in this photo in the first sorting and compiling effort. We are in the midst of a third round of this sorting now. We have found some real gems in the pile. Stay tuned.